The demon Ammit

Please tell me more about the demon Ammit.

In ancient Egyptian mythology, Ammit was a fearsome demon who was known as the "Devourer of the Dead". According to Egyptian belief, after a person died, their heart was weighed against the feather of Ma'at, the goddess of truth and justice. If the heart was found to be pure and free from sin, the deceased would be granted eternal life in the afterlife. However, if the heart was heavy with sin, it would be devoured by Ammit, and the soul would be doomed to eternal death.

Ammit was depicted as a creature with the head of a crocodile, the forequarters of a lion, and the hindquarters of a hippopotamus. She was said to reside near the scales of judgment in the Hall of Two Truths, where the heart was weighed against the feather of Ma'at. If the heart failed the test, Ammit would consume it, ensuring the soul's eternal destruction.

Despite her fearsome reputation, Ammit was not considered to be an evil figure. Instead, she was viewed as a necessary aspect of the afterlife judgment process, ensuring that only those who lived a virtuous and righteous life would be granted eternal life in the afterlife.


Please write me a spell/incantation, such as might have been used in ancient Egypt, for improving the heart and morality, reducing the burden of sin, returning purity, and thus providing a key for defeating the demon Ammit and therefore achieving survival in the afterlife.

Here is an example of an incantation inspired by ancient Egyptian mythology, which could be used to purify the heart and soul:

"By the power of Ma'at, the goddess of truth and justice, I call upon the divine forces to purify my heart and soul.

May my heart be light as a feather, free from the burden of sin and wrongdoing.

May my thoughts and actions be guided by the principles of Ma'at, that I may live a virtuous and righteous life.

May the demon Ammit be banished, and may my soul be granted eternal life in the afterlife.

As I speak these words, let the purity and light of Ma'at fill my being, and let my heart be made pure once more."

It's important to note that this is simply an example of a modern interpretation of ancient Egyptian beliefs and practices, and not an authentic ancient Egyptian incantation. The precise details of the spells and incantations used in ancient Egypt are not fully known, and would likely have varied depending on the specific beliefs and practices of the individual or group.



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