The belated pancake day

 Write a poem titled "The belated pancake day" about how a man had his Shrove Tuesday a day late.

Once upon a morning bright and fair,
A man awoke, quite unaware,
That the day before was Shrove Tuesday,
And he'd missed his chance to eat pancakes, hooray!

He sighed a sigh and hung his head,
"I've missed the day, I should have been in bed,
With dreams of syrup and batter so sweet,
Instead, I missed it, now it's incomplete."

But then he had an idea so grand,
To make pancakes, just as he'd planned,
A day too late, but still he would try,
To make his belated Pancake Day fly.

He mixed the flour and sugar with care,
Added eggs and milk, a dash of flair,
Whisked it all together, smooth as silk,
He was determined not to let his spirit wilt.

He poured the batter onto the hot pan,
Watched it bubble and sizzle, oh what a plan,
The smell of pancakes filled the air,
And suddenly he didn't seem to care,

That he'd missed the day, that once in a year,
For his pancakes now brought him such cheer,
With butter and syrup, he ate them all,
And had a great time, in spite of the fall.

So if you missed Pancake Day too,
Don't fret, don't worry, don't be blue,
Just make them the next day instead,
And let the sweet aroma fill your head.


Please write a sequel to the poem, where the wizard receives communication from across the void, informing him that Shrove Tuesday is in fact next week and that he's now had his pancakes early.

The wizard sat by the fire, content,
His belly full, his mind at rest,
When suddenly, a voice in his ear,
Spoke from across the void, so clear.

"Good wizard, listen well to me,
For I bring news of Shrove Tuesday,
It is not yet passed, as you believe,
But in fact, it's next week, do not grieve."

The wizard's heart sank in his chest,
For he'd already had his pancake fest,
He'd celebrated a week too soon,
And now he felt like such a buffoon.

He thought of all the wasted batter,
Of syrup and butter, it didn't matter,
For now he knew he'd missed the day,
The true Shrove Tuesday, so far away.

But then he had an idea so bright,
To make up for his early delight,
He would make pancakes once again,
And invite his friends, to share with them.

And so he whipped up more batter,
With eggs and milk and sugar, it mattered,
He poured it onto the hot pan,
And watched it cook, with a steady hand.

His friends arrived, with smiles and cheer,
They tasted the pancakes, without a fear,
And though it wasn't the real day,
They enjoyed them anyway.

They laughed and talked, through the night,
And the wizard felt such delight,
For though he'd made a mistake,
He'd turned it into a celebration, a chance to partake.

So if you ever find yourself in doubt,
Of when to celebrate, do not pout,
Just make the pancakes, when you please,
And turn it into a joyous feast.


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