Magicians (John Dee) consulting angel Uriel

Please discuss cases of magicians consulting angel Uriel.

The archangel Uriel is often associated with wisdom, enlightenment, and guidance, and has been a popular figure in esoteric and magical practices throughout history. There are several recorded instances of magicians consulting or invoking Uriel for various purposes.

One famous example is the 16th-century English magician John Dee, who claimed to have received messages from Uriel through a series of scrying sessions. Dee believed that Uriel was a source of divine knowledge and worked extensively with the angel through his magical practices. He even wrote a book called "A True and Faithful Relation of What Passed for Many Years Between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits," which documented his conversations with Uriel and other spiritual entities.

Another notable example is the French occultist Eliphas Levi, who believed that Uriel was a symbol of divine illumination and the embodiment of the principle of light. In his writings, Levi discussed various methods for invoking Uriel in magical rituals, and described the angel as a powerful force for spiritual transformation and enlightenment.

There are many other examples of magicians and occultists consulting or invoking Uriel throughout history, each with their own unique interpretations and practices. However, it's important to note that these practices are not universally accepted and may not be endorsed by all spiritual or religious traditions. It's always important to approach such practices with caution and to seek guidance from trusted and experienced practitioners.


What conversations are had in the book "A True and Faithful Relation of What Passed for Many Years Between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits"?

"A True and Faithful Relation of What Passed for Many Years Between Dr. John Dee and Some Spirits" is a book that documents the conversations and interactions between the English magician John Dee and several spiritual entities, including the angel Uriel. The book is based on Dee's personal diaries and notes, and was compiled and edited by his associate Edward Kelley.

The conversations described in the book cover a wide range of topics, including spiritual and philosophical teachings, divinatory practices, and instructions for magical rituals. According to the book, Dee and Kelley believed that they were communicating with divine beings who could provide them with knowledge and guidance.

The book includes detailed descriptions of the scrying sessions that Dee and Kelley used to communicate with the spirits, as well as transcripts of the conversations that took place. Some of the conversations with Uriel focus on topics such as the nature of the universe, the principles of divine law, and the role of human beings in the cosmic order.

It's important to note that the authenticity and accuracy of the conversations described in "A True and Faithful Relation" have been debated by scholars and practitioners alike. Some argue that Dee and Kelley may have been engaging in a form of self-delusion or even deliberate fraud, while others believe that the book provides valuable insights into the spiritual practices and beliefs of the time. Regardless, the book remains an important historical and cultural artifact, and continues to inspire modern practitioners of magic and esoteric spirituality.



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