Iamblichus and the invokation of Thoth

What was the ritual Iamblichus used to invoke the god Thoth?

Iamblichus describes a ritual for invoking the god Thoth in his work "On the Mysteries". Here is an overview of the steps involved:

    The ritual should be performed at night, preferably during the time of the full moon.

    The practitioner should wear white linen garments and a crown made of reeds, and hold a staff in their left hand.

    The practitioner should stand in front of an altar, which should be adorned with offerings of incense, fruit, and flowers.

    The practitioner should light a lamp or candle, and recite a prayer invoking the presence of Thoth.

    The practitioner should then recite a series of names of Thoth, each one representing a different aspect or power of the god.

    The practitioner should then perform a series of symbolic gestures, each one designed to bring them closer to the divine realm of Thoth.

    Finally, the practitioner should meditate on the image of Thoth and wait for the god to reveal himself through a vision or inner experience.

This is just a general overview of the ritual, and the details may vary depending on the practitioner and the specific context. It's important to note that the ritual is not just a mechanical set of actions, but a way of aligning oneself with the divine and opening oneself to its presence and guidance.


What was the series of names Iamblichus used for Thoth?

Iamblichus considered Thoth to be one of the great gods and included him in his system of theurgic magic. The names that Iamblichus used to refer to Thoth reflect his attributes and symbolism. Some of the names he used for Thoth are:

    Thrice Great: This title refers to Thoth's three-fold nature as the god of writing, wisdom, and magic.
    Scribe of Truth: Thoth was often depicted as the recorder of divine wisdom and knowledge.
    Lord of the Divine Words: This title refers to Thoth's role as the god of language and communication.
    Master of Secrets: Thoth was considered to be the keeper of esoteric knowledge and hidden wisdom.
    He Who Knows the Forms: Thoth was seen as a god who understood the underlying principles and structures of the universe.

These titles and names are used in various rituals and invocations to Thoth in Iamblichus's system of theurgic magic.


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