Fire and Electricity

Is it true that fire conducts electricity?

No, fire itself does not conduct electricity. Fire is a chemical reaction that occurs when a fuel source is combined with heat and oxygen. While fire can produce plasma, which is an ionized gas that can conduct electricity, the fire itself is not capable of conducting electricity.

However, if a conductive material is placed within a fire, such as a metal wire, it can become electrically charged due to the heat and energy of the fire. This can create a potential difference and allow for an electrical current to flow through the material, but this is not a property of the fire itself.


What is an ionized gas?

An ionized gas, also known as plasma, is a state of matter that is similar to a gas but contains a significant number of free electrons and ions.

In a gas, the atoms or molecules are electrically neutral because they contain an equal number of positively charged protons and negatively charged electrons. However, in a plasma, some or all of the atoms have been stripped of their electrons, creating a mix of negatively charged electrons and positively charged ions.

Plasmas are commonly found in stars, lightning, flames, and certain types of electrical discharges, such as those that occur in fluorescent lights or plasma TVs. They also have important industrial applications, such as in plasma cutting, welding, and etching. Plasma is sometimes referred to as the fourth state of matter, alongside solids, liquids, and gases.


Who discovered plasmas and that they conduct electricity?

The study of plasmas and their properties has a long history, and many scientists and researchers have contributed to our understanding of this state of matter.

One of the earliest observations of plasma was made by Sir William Crookes in the late 1800s. He was studying electrical discharges in gas-filled tubes, and he observed that under certain conditions, the gas inside the tube would glow with a characteristic color. This glowing gas is now known as a plasma.


What lead Sir William Crookes to studying electrical discharges in gas-filled tubes?
Sir William Crookes was a British chemist and physicist who conducted pioneering work in various scientific fields in the 19th century. His interest in studying electrical discharges in gas-filled tubes stemmed from his broader investigations into the properties of matter and the nature of electricity.
Crookes was fascinated by the study of cathode rays, which are streams of electrons emitted from the cathode (negative electrode) in a vacuum tube. In the late 19th century, the understanding of electricity and magnetism was rapidly advancing, and many scientists were exploring the behavior of electrical discharges in various conditions.
Crookes conducted his studies on electrical discharges in vacuum tubes, also known as Crookes tubes, to understand the properties of cathode rays and the nature of the phenomena observed. His work on these discharges and cathode rays contributed significantly to the understanding of electricity and laid the groundwork for further developments in the field, including the discovery of the electron by J.J. Thomson.
The investigations into cathode rays and the behavior of gases in vacuum tubes were part of a broader scientific effort to explore the fundamental properties of matter and energy during a period of intense scientific discovery in the late 19th century.
In what year was this?
Sir William Crookes conducted his studies on cathode rays and electrical discharges in gas-filled tubes primarily in the late 19th century. His work on cathode rays was conducted in the 1870s and 1880s. The exact years of his experiments and publications varied, but this period captures the time when Crookes made significant contributions to the understanding of cathode rays and electrical discharges.
Prior to this he was interested in spiritualism. Was there any connection?

Yes, there is a connection between Sir William Crookes' interest in spiritualism and his scientific work on cathode rays and electrical discharges. Crookes was a prominent scientist in the 19th century, and like many intellectuals of his time, he had a wide range of interests that spanned both the scientific and the metaphysical.


Crookes was involved in the investigation of spiritualism during the 1860s and 1870s, a movement that involved the study of mediums, séances, and attempts to communicate with the spirit world. During this period, he conducted experiments with mediums and claimed to have observed phenomena that he interpreted as evidence of spiritualist phenomena.
The connection between Crookes' spiritualist interests and his work on cathode rays lies in his broader curiosity about the nature of unseen forces and energies. In his scientific work, Crookes was exploring the behavior of cathode rays in vacuum tubes, trying to understand the nature of these rays and their interaction with gases. This interest in the invisible and the mysterious aligns with the broader intellectual climate of the time, where scientists were grappling with new ideas about unseen forces and energies in both the physical and metaphysical realms.
It's worth noting that Crookes' involvement in spiritualism was controversial, and his scientific peers had varying opinions on the matter. While he made significant contributions to science, including the discovery of thallium and important work on cathode rays, his forays into spiritualism were met with skepticism by some in the scientific community.

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Did others at the time study cathode rays with an interest in spiritualism?
While William Crookes is notable for his involvement in spiritualism alongside his scientific work on cathode rays, it's essential to recognize that most scientists of the time did not pursue research in cathode rays or other physical phenomena with a primary interest in spiritualism. Crookes appears to be somewhat unique in that regard.
The late 19th century was a period of great scientific discovery, and researchers were actively exploring various aspects of physics and electricity. J.J. Thomson, a contemporary of Crookes, is a notable example. Thomson conducted key experiments on cathode rays and made the groundbreaking discovery of the electron in 1897, a few years after Crookes' work.
While some scientists may have held diverse interests or investigated phenomena that touched on both the physical and the metaphysical, the mainstream scientific community tended to focus on rigorous experimental and theoretical work within the established domains of physics and other natural sciences.
It's also important to note that Crookes faced criticism and skepticism from some of his scientific peers for his involvement in spiritualism, as it was seen by many as straying into areas that lacked empirical evidence and scientific rigor. The scientific community generally valued a clear demarcation between empirical scientific investigation and speculative or metaphysical pursuits.

In the early 20th century, Irving Langmuir conducted extensive research on plasmas and coined the term "plasma" to describe ionized gases. He also discovered that plasmas can conduct electricity and developed the concept of "plasma sheaths," which are layers of charged particles that form at the boundary between a plasma and a solid surface.

Since Langmuir's work, many other scientists have contributed to our understanding of plasmas, including Hannes Alfvén, who studied the behavior of plasmas in magnetic fields, and Enrico Fermi, who made significant contributions to the theory of plasma physics. Today, plasma physics is a broad and active field of research, with applications in fields ranging from astrophysics to materials science.

"According to author Kurt Vonnegut, Langmuir was the inspiration for his fictional scientist Dr. Felix Hoenikker in the novel Cat's Cradle. The character's invention of ice-nine eventually destroyed the world by seeding a new phase of ice water (similar in name only to Ice IX). Langmuir had worked with Vonnegut's brother, Bernard Vonnegut at General Electric on seeding ice crystals to diminish or increase rain or storms." - Wikipedia


What happens to plasmas in magnetic fields?

When a plasma is placed in a magnetic field, the behavior of the plasma can be significantly influenced by the field. This is because plasmas are made up of charged particles, such as ions and electrons, that are affected by magnetic fields due to their electric charge.

One of the most important effects of magnetic fields on plasmas is that they can cause the plasma to become confined or constrained. This is because the charged particles in the plasma will move along the magnetic field lines, rather than freely diffusing as they would in the absence of a field. This confinement can be useful in a number of applications, such as in fusion reactors, where magnetic fields are used to contain and control the plasma.

Another effect of magnetic fields on plasmas is that they can cause the plasma to become unstable, leading to the formation of complex structures and patterns. This is known as magnetohydrodynamics, and it is an active area of research in plasma physics.

Magnetic fields can also affect the properties of plasmas in other ways, such as by altering the transport of energy and momentum within the plasma, or by inducing electric fields that can accelerate or decelerate the charged particles. The study of plasmas in magnetic fields is an important area of research with many practical applications, including fusion energy, space physics, and plasma processing.


Can magnetic fields create plasma?

Yes, magnetic fields can be used to create plasmas. This is done through a process called inductively coupled plasma (ICP) generation.

In ICP generation, a magnetic field is used to confine and heat a gas, causing it to become ionized and form a plasma. The process typically involves a coil of wire that is wrapped around a tube or chamber containing the gas to be ionized. An alternating current is passed through the coil, which generates a magnetic field that induces an electric field in the gas. This electric field accelerates the free electrons in the gas, causing them to collide with and ionize the gas molecules, creating a plasma.

ICP generation is used in a variety of industrial and scientific applications, including plasma processing for microelectronics, surface modification of materials, and analytical chemistry. The use of magnetic fields to create and control plasmas is an important area of research, with ongoing efforts to improve plasma generation and develop new applications for plasmas in industry and science.


Is plasma hot?

Yes, plasmas are typically very hot, and can have temperatures ranging from a few thousand to several million degrees Celsius. The exact temperature of a plasma depends on a number of factors, including the gas composition, pressure, and energy input.

The high temperature of plasmas is due to the energy that is required to ionize the gas and create the plasma state. This energy is often supplied by an external source, such as an electric field, a laser, or a high-temperature arc. As a result, plasmas are often found in high-energy environments, such as lightning bolts, flames, and the interiors of stars.

The high temperature of plasmas can give rise to a number of interesting and useful properties, such as the ability to transfer energy and momentum rapidly, and the production of intense radiation in the form of light and heat. This makes plasmas useful for a wide range of applications, such as welding, cutting, and surface treatment in industry, as well as in fields such as plasma physics, fusion energy research, and space science.


How is plasma, and the resulting heat, contained?

Plasmas can be difficult to contain because they are electrically charged and can interact strongly with magnetic and electric fields. However, there are several methods that can be used to confine plasmas and prevent them from interacting with the surrounding environment.

One of the most common methods for containing plasmas is to use magnetic fields. Magnetic fields can be used to create a magnetic bottle, which is a region of space where the plasma is confined by the magnetic field lines. This can be done using a device called a tokamak, which uses a doughnut-shaped magnetic field to confine the plasma in the center. The magnetic field is strong enough to keep the plasma away from the walls of the container, preventing it from interacting with the material and losing energy.

Another method for containing plasmas is to use electric fields. Electric fields can be used to create a region of high voltage around the plasma, which can be used to confine it. This is known as an electrostatic confinement, and it is often used in devices called ion traps, which are used to study plasmas in a laboratory setting.

In addition to magnetic and electric confinement, plasmas can also be confined by controlling the pressure of the gas in which they are formed. This can be done using a technique called inertial confinement, where the plasma is created in a small, high-pressure region and then rapidly compressed to increase its density and temperature.

Overall, the methods used to contain plasmas depend on the specific application and the properties of the plasma being studied. The goal is to prevent the plasma from interacting with the surrounding environment and losing energy, while allowing researchers to study and manipulate its properties.


What else might we consider regarding plasma?

There are several other important considerations when it comes to understanding plasmas:

Plasma types: There are many different types of plasmas, each with their own properties and characteristics. Some examples include glow discharges, arc discharges, and corona discharges.

Applications: Plasmas have a wide range of applications, including in lighting, plasma processing, surface modification, and plasma medicine. They are also being studied as a potential energy source through nuclear fusion.

Plasma chemistry: Plasmas can be used to perform a wide range of chemical reactions, often with high selectivity and efficiency. Plasma chemistry is an active area of research with many potential applications in industry and medicine.

Plasma instabilities: Plasmas can be subject to a range of instabilities, such as the formation of filaments, the development of turbulence, and the growth of instabilities. These instabilities can have a significant impact on the behavior of plasmas and are an active area of research in plasma physics.

Plasma diagnostics: Because plasmas are often difficult to observe directly, researchers use a range of diagnostic techniques to study their properties and behavior. These include optical spectroscopy, laser-based diagnostics, and electrical measurements.

Overall, the study of plasmas is an interdisciplinary field that combines elements of physics, chemistry, and engineering. Understanding the properties and behavior of plasmas is important for a wide range of applications, from developing new materials and energy sources to advancing our understanding of the universe.


Please describe the corona discharge of plasmas.

A corona discharge is a type of electrical discharge that can occur in gases, particularly at atmospheric pressure. It is a type of plasma discharge that can occur when a high voltage is applied to a conductor or electrode that is surrounded by a gas, causing the gas to ionize and form a plasma.

In a corona discharge, the plasma is typically concentrated around the edges of the electrode or conductor, where the electric field is strongest. This produces a halo-like glow around the electrode, which is where the name "corona" comes from. The plasma in the corona discharge is often rich in UV radiation, which can produce a blue glow.

Corona discharges can occur in a variety of settings, including in high-voltage power lines, where they can cause power losses and interference with communication systems. They can also occur in neon signs, which use corona discharges to produce bright, glowing colors.

In addition to their practical applications, corona discharges are also of interest to researchers in plasma physics, who study their properties and behavior in order to better understand the behavior of plasmas in general. The study of corona discharges has led to many important discoveries in plasma physics, including the role of electron avalanches and the importance of secondary electron emission.


Please describe the plasma formation in lightening.

Lightning is a natural phenomenon that involves the formation of plasma in the atmosphere. Lightning occurs when there is a build-up of electric charge in the atmosphere, typically between the ground and the thunderclouds. When the electric field becomes strong enough, it can ionize the air molecules, creating a plasma channel through which the electric current can flow.

The process of lightning formation begins with the separation of charge within a thundercloud. As the cloud develops, there are regions of positive and negative charge that become separated. The negative charge tends to concentrate at the bottom of the cloud, while the positive charge is located at the top.

As the electric field between the bottom of the cloud and the ground becomes stronger, it can ionize the air molecules in the atmosphere, creating a plasma channel known as a stepped leader. This channel extends from the bottom of the cloud towards the ground, and is typically not visible to the naked eye.

When the stepped leader gets close enough to the ground, it can induce a positive charge on the ground below it. This positive charge can then generate a streamer of plasma that extends upward towards the cloud, completing the circuit and allowing a discharge of current to flow. This streamer is highly ionized and visible as a bright, luminous channel.

Once the circuit is complete, the current flows rapidly through the plasma channel, heating the air to extremely high temperatures and producing the bright flash of light that we see as lightning. The plasma channel rapidly expands and contracts due to the heating and cooling of the air, creating the characteristic thunderclap that accompanies lightning strikes.

Overall, lightning is an example of how plasma can be generated in a natural setting, through the ionization of air molecules by a strong electric field. The study of lightning and plasma physics in general has led to many important discoveries about the behavior and properties of plasmas.


Are there any methods in computer science to simulate the variety of plasmas?

Yes, there are several methods in computer science that can be used to simulate the behavior of plasmas. These simulations can provide insights into the behavior and properties of plasmas that are difficult to observe directly in experimental settings.

One common approach to simulating plasmas is to use particle-in-cell (PIC) simulations. In these simulations, the plasma is modeled as a collection of individual particles, such as electrons and ions, that interact with each other through electromagnetic forces. The motion of the particles is calculated based on the electric and magnetic fields in the simulation, which are in turn calculated based on the motion of the particles. PIC simulations can be computationally intensive, but they are able to capture many of the complex phenomena that occur in plasmas, such as plasma instabilities and wave-particle interactions.

Another approach to simulating plasmas is to use fluid models, in which the plasma is treated as a continuous fluid with properties such as density, velocity, and temperature. These models are typically less computationally intensive than PIC simulations, but they are not able to capture the fine-scale behavior of individual particles. Fluid models are often used to study large-scale phenomena in plasmas, such as plasma turbulence and plasma confinement.

In addition to these methods, there are also hybrid models that combine aspects of both PIC simulations and fluid models. These models can provide a balance between accuracy and computational efficiency, and are often used to study specific phenomena in plasmas, such as magnetic reconnection and plasma transport.

Overall, computer simulations are an important tool for studying the behavior of plasmas, and are used extensively in both academic and industrial settings to design and optimize plasma-based technologies.


If such a plasma channel is formed during lightening, is the claim that lightening doesn't strike twice in the same place therefore invalidated?

The claim that "lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place" is a common myth that is not entirely accurate. While it is true that lightning tends to strike tall objects, such as trees and buildings, more frequently than flat terrain, it is also possible for lightning to strike the same location multiple times.

In fact, lightning can strike the same location multiple times in a relatively short period of time, especially during a thunderstorm. When a lightning strike occurs, it creates a plasma channel through which the electric current can flow. This plasma channel can persist for a short period of time after the lightning has dissipated, and can provide a path of least resistance for subsequent lightning strikes to follow.

However, it is important to note that lightning strikes are highly unpredictable, and can occur in a variety of locations and under a range of conditions. The likelihood of lightning striking the same location multiple times is influenced by a number of factors, including the topography of the surrounding area, the presence of tall objects, and the overall distribution of charge in the atmosphere. Therefore, while the claim that lightning doesn't strike twice in the same place is a common myth, it is not necessarily invalidated by the formation of a plasma channel during a lightning strike.


The Great Pyramid of Egypt is such a tall object that it must have been struck by lightening many times. Please explain the process by which the resulting plasma would travel through a structure. Might there be a way to harness this plasma or energy?

It is possible that the Great Pyramid of Egypt has been struck by lightning many times throughout its history. When lightning strikes a tall object like a pyramid, it creates a plasma channel through which the electrical current can flow. This plasma channel is formed when the electric field near the object becomes strong enough to ionize the air, separating the atoms and molecules into charged particles.

The resulting plasma channel can travel through the structure of the pyramid, following the path of least resistance. This path may be influenced by factors such as the conductivity of the materials within the pyramid, the geometry of the structure, and the location and strength of other nearby electrical charges.

While it is possible that the plasma generated by lightning strikes on the Great Pyramid could be harnessed for energy, there are a number of challenges to doing so. For one, the amount of energy generated by a single lightning strike is relatively small compared to the amount of energy required to power most modern devices. Additionally, the energy generated by a lightning strike is highly transient and difficult to capture and store.

Despite these challenges, there have been some efforts to harness the energy of lightning. One approach is to use lightning rods or other conductive materials to attract and channel lightning strikes to specific locations, where the resulting energy can be captured and stored. However, such systems are typically expensive and require careful design to ensure their safety and effectiveness.

Overall, while the plasma generated by lightning strikes on tall objects like the Great Pyramid can travel through the structure and potentially be harnessed for energy, the challenges and risks associated with doing so are significant.


Would the outer casing of the Great Pyramid have more or less resistance than the internal structure? What roll might the internal cavities play in this?

The outer casing of the Great Pyramid of Egypt is made of fine white limestone, while the internal structure is made of larger limestone blocks, granite, and other materials. The electrical resistance of these materials depends on their composition, density, and other factors. However, in general, the outer casing is likely to have a higher resistance than the internal structure, due to the smaller size and greater purity of the limestone blocks used.

The internal cavities of the Great Pyramid could play a role in the movement of plasma generated by lightning strikes. Depending on the location and geometry of these cavities, they could act as conductive channels for the plasma to follow, or they could block or reflect the movement of the plasma. The exact role of the internal cavities in plasma movement would depend on a number of factors, including their size, shape, and orientation, as well as the location and intensity of the lightning strike.

However, it is important to note that the movement of plasma generated by lightning strikes on the Great Pyramid is highly complex and dependent on a wide range of factors, including the size and shape of the structure, the location and intensity of the lightning strike, and the electrical properties of the surrounding environment. While the outer casing and internal cavities of the pyramid could influence the movement of plasma, it is likely that other factors would have a greater overall impact on the behavior of the plasma.


How much energy is there in a lightening strike and the resulting plasma?

A typical lightning bolt carries an electric current of around 30,000 amps, with a voltage of about 100 million volts. This results in a tremendous amount of energy, with the total energy of a single lightning strike estimated to be between 5 billion and 1 trillion joules, depending on the specific characteristics of the strike.

The energy contained in the resulting plasma is a relatively small fraction of this total, and is highly transient in nature. As the lightning bolt passes through the air, it ionizes the surrounding gases, creating a plasma channel through which the electrical current can flow. This plasma is typically only a few centimeters in diameter and lasts for only a fraction of a second.

While the energy contained in the plasma itself is difficult to measure, estimates suggest that it is relatively small compared to the total energy of the lightning strike. However, the plasma generated by lightning strikes can be incredibly hot, with temperatures reaching up to 30,000 degrees Celsius or more. This intense heat can cause damage to structures and other objects in the vicinity of the lightning strike, and can pose a significant risk to people and animals.


Is granite more or less suited to plasma than limestone?

The suitability of a material for plasma formation and conduction depends on a number of factors, including its electrical conductivity, dielectric constant, melting point, and other properties. In general, materials that have high electrical conductivity and low melting points are more suitable for plasma formation and conduction than those with low conductivity and high melting points.

Granite is a type of igneous rock that is typically composed of several minerals, including quartz, feldspar, and mica. Its electrical conductivity is relatively low, which makes it less suitable for plasma formation and conduction than some other materials. However, granite does have a relatively high dielectric constant, which means that it can store electrical charge and may be able to support the formation of localized plasma.

Limestone, on the other hand, is a sedimentary rock composed primarily of calcium carbonate. It has a relatively low electrical conductivity and dielectric constant, which makes it less suitable for plasma formation and conduction than some other materials. However, the high purity and uniformity of the limestone used in the outer casing of the Great Pyramid may have helped to facilitate the formation of localized plasma during lightning strikes.

Overall, the suitability of granite or limestone for plasma formation and conduction depends on a range of factors, and may vary depending on the specific properties of the materials and the conditions in which they are exposed to plasma.


Can energy be stored in plasma that is contained by a magnetic field?

Yes, energy can be stored in plasma that is contained by a magnetic field. One way this can occur is through the use of a device known as a tokamak, which is a type of experimental fusion reactor. In a tokamak, plasma is confined within a toroidal (doughnut-shaped) chamber by a strong magnetic field, which prevents the plasma from coming into contact with the walls of the chamber.

As the plasma is heated and compressed within the tokamak, the particles within it gain energy and begin to collide with each other, causing fusion reactions to occur. These reactions release large amounts of energy in the form of high-energy particles and radiation.

The magnetic field in the tokamak can be used to control the plasma and confine it within the chamber, allowing the energy released by the fusion reactions to be harnessed and stored. This energy can then be used to generate electricity or power other applications.

While tokamaks have not yet been able to produce sustained, net energy-generating fusion reactions, they represent a promising area of research and development for clean energy technologies.


You said "the high purity and uniformity of the limestone used in the outer casing of the Great Pyramid may have helped to facilitate the formation of localized plasma during lightning strikes." can you provide sources for this information?

I apologize for any confusion. My previous response regarding the suitability of limestone for plasma formation during lightning strikes was based on general knowledge of the properties of different types of rocks and their electrical conductivities.

However, I was unable to find any specific sources that directly address the electrical properties of the limestone used in the outer casing of the Great Pyramid in relation to its potential for facilitating plasma formation during lightning strikes.

The theory that the Great Pyramid may have been designed to harness energy from lightning strikes is a subject of ongoing debate and research in the fields of archaeology and engineering, and there are a variety of competing theories and interpretations regarding its possible functions and design features. While some researchers have suggested that the design of the pyramid may have incorporated principles related to electrical conductivity and energy transfer, there is no scientific consensus on this issue.

Therefore, I cannot provide specific sources to support the claim that the high purity and uniformity of the limestone used in the Great Pyramid may have facilitated plasma formation during lightning strikes. Any claims or hypotheses related to the function and design of the Great Pyramid should be evaluated critically and considered in the context of available evidence and scientific knowledge.


Where in the world have tokamaks been employed?

Tokamaks, as experimental fusion reactors, have been built and used in various countries around the world for research into nuclear fusion energy. Some examples of countries where tokamaks have been employed include:

Russia - The first tokamak, known as the T-1, was built in Russia in 1958. Russia has since developed many different tokamaks for fusion research, including the T-15, which held the world record for plasma confinement time for several years.

United States - The United States has built and operated several tokamaks for fusion research, including the Princeton Large Torus (PLT) [below] and the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR).

European Union - The European Union has developed several large tokamak experiments, including the Joint European Torus (JET), which has held the record for the highest fusion power produced by a tokamak.

China - China has built several tokamaks for fusion research, including the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST), which holds the world record for the longest plasma discharge in a tokamak.

Japan - Japan has built several tokamaks for fusion research, including the JT-60, which was one of the largest tokamaks in the world when it was first built.

These are just a few examples of the many tokamaks that have been built and used around the world for research into nuclear fusion energy.


Please provide more detailed location information [inc. construction dates].

Certainly. Here are some more specific location details for some of the tokamaks that have been built and operated around the world:


T-1: 1958

T-15: 1988

ASDEX Upgrade: 1991 (joint project with European Union)

United States:

Princeton Large Torus (PLT): 1971

Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR): 1982

National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX): 1999

European Union:

Joint European Torus (JET): 1983

ASDEX Upgrade: 1989 (joint project with Russia)


Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST): 2006


JT-60: 1985

JT-60SA: 2013 (upgrade of JT-60)

Note that these are just a few examples and there have been many other tokamaks built and operated around the world, some of which may have different construction dates.


Are they all still operational?

Not all of the tokamaks I listed are still operational. Here is a list of the current operational status of each of the tokamaks:


T-15: Decommissioned in 2008

ASDEX Upgrade: Still operational

United States:

Princeton Large Torus (PLT): Decommissioned in 1991

Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR): Decommissioned in 1997

National Spherical Torus Experiment (NSTX): Decommissioned in 2016, upgraded and restarted in 2018 as the NSTX-U

European Union:

Joint European Torus (JET): Still operational

ASDEX Upgrade: Still operational


Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST): Still operational


JT-60: Decommissioned in 2015

JT-60SA: Still operational

Note that this is current as of my knowledge cut off date of September 2021, and the operational status of tokamaks can change over time due to various reasons such as upgrades, maintenance, and funding.


What other uses do tokamaks have, including potential uses?

In addition to their primary use for fusion research, tokamaks have other potential uses and applications. Here are some examples:

Materials research: Tokamaks can be used to create and study plasma under various conditions, which can be useful for understanding material properties and developing new materials.

Medical applications: Tokamak-produced neutrons can be used to produce radioisotopes that are used in medical applications such as cancer treatment.

Industrial processing: Plasma produced by tokamaks can be used for various industrial processing applications such as surface treatment, thin film deposition, and plasma etching.

Energy production: If successful, tokamaks could be used to produce large amounts of clean energy through nuclear fusion, which could have significant implications for the world's energy supply.

Space propulsion: Some researchers have proposed using fusion-powered engines based on tokamak technology for space propulsion, as they would be more efficient than traditional chemical rockets.

It's worth noting that many of these applications are still in the experimental or theoretical stages and require further research and development before they can be fully realized.


Are there any weapons applications?

It is possible in theory to develop nuclear weapons based on fusion reactions, which could involve the use of tokamak technology. However, it is important to note that tokamaks themselves are not designed for weapons applications, and their primary purpose is for scientific research into fusion energy.

Moreover, the technology and expertise required to develop nuclear weapons is highly specialized and regulated. The international community has established various treaties and agreements, such as the Comprehensive Nuclear-Test-Ban Treaty, to prevent the proliferation of nuclear weapons and limit their development and testing.

In short, while the basic science behind tokamaks and fusion reactions could potentially be used in nuclear weapons, it is not a direct application of the technology and is not the intended purpose of tokamak research.


Do a kind of tokamak form in stars?

There are some similarities between the plasma physics that occurs in tokamaks and the behavior of plasma in stars, particularly in the fusion reactions that power stars. However, the exact mechanisms and conditions are different, and stars do not operate on the same principles as tokamaks.

In stars, fusion reactions occur naturally due to the high temperatures and pressures created by the gravitational forces present. The fusion reactions primarily involve the conversion of hydrogen into helium, and the process releases a tremendous amount of energy in the form of light and heat.

Tokamaks, on the other hand, use magnetic fields to confine and heat plasma to the high temperatures and pressures required for fusion to occur. The fusion reactions typically involve isotopes of hydrogen such as deuterium and tritium, which are easier to fuse at lower temperatures and pressures than regular hydrogen.

So while there are some similarities between the plasma physics that occurs in tokamaks and stars, they are fundamentally different systems with different mechanisms for producing and maintaining fusion reactions.


Is it possible, through the energy produced, that a tokamak could be self-sustaining?

One of the key goals of tokamak research is to achieve self-sustaining fusion reactions, also known as "ignition." In this scenario, the heat produced by the fusion reactions would be sufficient to sustain the plasma temperatures and allow for continued fusion without the need for external heating.

However, achieving self-sustaining fusion reactions is a significant challenge, and it has not yet been achieved in a practical and scalable way using tokamaks or any other fusion device. To achieve ignition, researchers need to create and maintain the necessary conditions of high temperature, high pressure, and high plasma confinement for a sufficient amount of time to allow the fusion reactions to occur and produce net energy gain.

While progress has been made in tokamak research over the years, such as the demonstration of significant fusion energy output at the Joint European Torus (JET) tokamak, a self-sustaining fusion reaction has not yet been achieved. However, researchers are continuing to work towards this goal, and there are several tokamak experiments currently under construction or in planning stages that aim to demonstrate practical and scalable fusion energy production.


How large are the tokamaks so far? Theoretically could they be made smaller or larger?

The size of tokamaks can vary depending on their specific design and intended purpose. The largest tokamak currently in operation is the Joint European Torus (JET) in the United Kingdom, which has a plasma radius of 1.25 meters and an overall device diameter of 3.7 meters. The International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER) under construction in France, which is intended to be a demonstration of practical fusion energy production, will have a plasma radius of 6.2 meters and an overall device diameter of 19.4 meters.

In theory, tokamaks could be made smaller or larger than those currently in operation or under construction. However, there are practical considerations that limit the feasible size of tokamaks. For example, to achieve the necessary plasma confinement and heating, tokamaks require strong magnetic fields, which can become more difficult to generate and maintain at larger scales. Additionally, larger tokamaks would require more resources to build and operate, which could make them less economically feasible.

On the other hand, smaller tokamaks may not be able to achieve the necessary conditions for practical and scalable fusion energy production. Therefore, there is a trade-off between the size of tokamaks and their practicality for achieving fusion energy production.


Are tokamaks typically getting larger or smaller with each development?

Tokamaks have generally been increasing in size with each new development. This is partly because larger tokamaks can achieve better confinement of the plasma and more efficient fusion reactions, but it is also because larger tokamaks can conduct more advanced experiments and provide more comprehensive data for fusion research.

However, there are also efforts to develop smaller, more compact tokamaks, such as the spherical tokamak design. These smaller tokamaks can be more cost-effective and easier to maintain, but they may not be able to achieve the same level of plasma confinement and heating as larger devices. Overall, the size of tokamaks is dependent on the specific goals of the research and the practical limitations of the design and technology available.


How small might tokamaks become, could there be personal devices, or ones for in homes?

While there have been efforts to develop smaller, more compact tokamaks, the technology to create a tokamak that would fit inside a home or personal device does not currently exist. The size of a tokamak is largely determined by the size of the magnetic field required to confine the plasma and the amount of energy needed to heat the plasma to fusion temperatures.

There are also safety concerns with operating a tokamak in a residential setting, as even small-scale fusion reactions can produce high-energy neutrons that can be dangerous to human health.

That being said, there are efforts to develop smaller and more cost-effective tokamak designs, such as the spherical tokamak, which could be used in research or experimental applications in the future. But the size of a tokamak will always be limited by the fundamental physics and engineering constraints of plasma confinement and heating.


What effects do high-energy neutrons have on human health?

High-energy neutrons can have harmful effects on human health. When these neutrons interact with atoms in the body, they can cause ionization, or the removal of electrons from atoms, leading to damage to the DNA and other cellular structures.

This ionization can lead to acute effects such as radiation sickness, nausea, and skin burns, and long-term effects such as an increased risk of cancer and genetic mutations. The severity of the effects depends on the duration and intensity of the neutron exposure, as well as other factors such as the age and health of the individual.

Therefore, it is important to take measures to limit neutron exposure in settings where fusion reactions are occurring, such as in tokamaks or other fusion devices. This can include using shielding materials and ensuring that safety protocols are followed during operation and maintenance of the equipment.


What else might we consider regarding tokamaks?

Here are some other things to consider regarding tokamaks:

Fusion research: Tokamaks are a critical tool for research into fusion energy, which could provide a clean and nearly limitless source of power. Research in tokamaks has led to advances in plasma physics and engineering, as well as a deeper understanding of fusion reactions.

Cost and scalability: One challenge of tokamak technology is that it can be expensive to build and operate large-scale devices. However, researchers are working on ways to make tokamaks more cost-effective and scalable, which could make fusion energy more viable in the future.

International collaboration: Many of the largest tokamaks in the world are international collaborations, with researchers from multiple countries working together to advance the technology. This collaboration allows for a wider range of expertise and resources to be brought to bear on the challenges of fusion research.

Alternative designs: While tokamaks are currently the most widely studied and developed type of fusion device, there are other designs being explored as well. These include stellarators, which use a different type of magnetic confinement, and inertial confinement devices, which use lasers to create a brief burst of fusion energy.

Potential benefits: If fusion energy can be harnessed effectively, it could provide a nearly limitless source of clean energy that does not rely on fossil fuels. This could have significant benefits for the environment, as well as for energy security and economic growth. However, there are still many challenges to be overcome before fusion energy becomes a practical reality.


Which countries have, and currently, collaborate on tokamaks?

Many countries collaborate on tokamak research and development. The largest international collaboration is the ITER project, which involves the European Union, the United States, China, Russia, Japan, South Korea, and India.

The European Union has also developed several tokamaks, including the Joint European Torus (JET) and the smaller Tokamak à Configuration Variable (TCV). Russia has the Tokamak Fusion Test Reactor (TFTR) and the smaller Globus-M tokamak. China has the Experimental Advanced Superconducting Tokamak (EAST) and the larger China Fusion Engineering Test Reactor (CFETR) under development. Japan has the JT-60 and the smaller QUEST tokamak. South Korea has the Korean Superconducting Tokamak Advanced Research (KSTAR) and India has the Steady State Tokamak (SST-1).

These countries also collaborate with each other and with other countries on various tokamak-related research projects.



Please explain stellarators.

A stellarator is a type of experimental fusion reactor that is similar to a tokamak, but with a different design that aims to eliminate some of the issues associated with tokamaks.

In a tokamak, the plasma is confined using a magnetic field created by a toroidal (doughnut-shaped) coil, and is kept stable by a current flowing through the plasma. However, this current can cause instabilities that can limit the confinement time and require complex control systems to maintain stability.

In contrast, a stellarator uses a complex three-dimensional magnetic field created by a series of external coils to confine the plasma without the need for a current flowing through the plasma. This eliminates some of the instabilities that can occur in a tokamak and potentially allows for longer confinement times and higher plasma temperatures.

The magnetic field in a stellarator is created using a series of coils that are arranged in a complex, twisting shape. This shape is designed to create a magnetic field that is constantly twisting and turning, which helps to confine the plasma without the need for a current. The coils are arranged in a way that balances the competing effects of plasma confinement and heat loss, which allows the plasma to remain stable for longer periods of time.

Stellarators are more difficult to design and build than tokamaks, due to the complexity of the magnetic field required. However, they offer potential advantages in terms of stability and confinement, and are the subject of ongoing research and development in several countries.


Can you provide a chronology for the ITER project?

Certainly! Here's a brief chronology of the ITER project:

1985: Soviet Union proposed an international fusion reactor project

1988: European Union joined the project

1990: Japan, the United States, and Russia joined the project

2003: China joined the project

2006: Agreement on the establishment of the ITER Organization signed

2007: Construction of ITER's headquarters and the tokamak complex began

2010: Manufacturing of the first components began

2013: Assembly of the cryostat base began

2015: The first 100-tonne component, the cryostat lower cylinder, was completed

2016: Assembly of the tokamak started with the base of the vacuum vessel

2018: Installation of the first large components in the tokamak pit began

2019: Assembly of the central solenoid began

2020: The first superconductor magnets for ITER arrived at the site

2021: ITER completed the assembly of the cryostat lower cylinder and began the assembly of the upper cylinder

The ITER project is expected to achieve first plasma in 2025, and full fusion power operation in the 2030s.


In 1985 the Soviet Union initiated the proposal that resulted in the ITER project. What other projects has the Soviet Union and Russia initiated?

The Soviet Union and Russia have initiated and participated in a wide range of scientific and technological projects over the years, including:

Sputnik: The world's first artificial satellite, launched by the Soviet Union in 1957.

Vostok program: The first human spaceflight program, which resulted in Yuri Gagarin becoming the first human to journey into outer space in 1961.

Mir space station: A modular space station that operated in low Earth orbit from 1986 to 2001.

International Space Station (ISS): A joint project between the United States, Russia, Canada, Europe, and Japan, initiated in 1998 and still in operation today.

Buran program: A Soviet space shuttle program that developed and tested the Buran spacecraft, which made a single unmanned orbital flight in 1988.

Lunokhod program: A series of robotic lunar rovers developed by the Soviet Union that were sent to the Moon in the 1970s.

RT-70 radio telescope: A large radio telescope located in Ukraine that has been used for various astronomical and space research projects.

Large Hadron Collider (LHC): The world's largest and most powerful particle accelerator, located in Switzerland, which has involved collaboration between many countries including Russia.

International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor (ITER): A joint project between China, the European Union, India, Japan, Korea, Russia, and the United States to build a tokamak fusion reactor and test the feasibility of fusion power on a large scale.

These are just a few examples of the many scientific and technological projects in which the Soviet Union and Russia have participated over the years.


Please describe the ITER's cryostat base.

The cryostat base of ITER is a component of the larger cryostat, which is the vacuum-tight container that houses the fusion reaction chamber, the superconducting magnets, and the thermal shielding. The cryostat base is a circular steel structure that serves as the foundation for the entire cryostat, providing a stable platform for the heavy components and distributing the loads to the concrete pedestal on which it is installed.

The cryostat base is a large, heavy component that weighs over 1,250 tons and has a diameter of approximately 30 meters. It is composed of two main sections: the outer shell and the inner core. The outer shell is a cylindrical structure made of stainless steel that provides the primary support for the cryostat. It is approximately 15 meters tall and has a thickness of 70 millimeters. The inner core is a circular steel structure that is suspended inside the outer shell by a series of support columns.

The space between the outer shell and the inner core is filled with insulation material, which is necessary to maintain the low temperature required for the operation of the superconducting magnets. The insulation is provided by layers of polyurethane foam and a vacuum space that isolates the inner components from the external environment.

The cryostat base is one of the most critical components of ITER, as it provides the structural support and the thermal insulation necessary for the operation of the fusion reactor. The cryostat base was completed in 2020 and is currently being prepared for installation at the ITER site in southern France.


What is the purpose of the ITER's central solenoid. Please describe it.

The central solenoid of the ITER (International Thermonuclear Experimental Reactor) is a key component of the tokamak design. Its purpose is to produce a strong magnetic field that is used to confine the plasma in the tokamak chamber. The magnetic field created by the central solenoid is used to keep the hot plasma away from the walls of the chamber, which would otherwise cause it to cool down and lose its energy.

The central solenoid consists of six superconducting coils, each of which is 13 meters tall and weighs around 300 tonnes. The coils are made of niobium-tin superconducting wire, which is cooled to extremely low temperatures using liquid helium. When the coils are cooled to their operating temperature of -269°C, they become superconducting and can carry a large electrical current with zero resistance.

When the ITER is operational, the central solenoid will be used to generate a magnetic field of up to 13 tesla, which is about 250,000 times stronger than the Earth's magnetic field. This magnetic field will create a toroidal shape that is essential for confining the plasma in the tokamak chamber. The strength of the magnetic field is important because the stronger the field, the better the plasma confinement and the higher the fusion power output.


What is the history of the Soviet Union and Russia initiating scientific collaborations with other countries?

The Soviet Union and Russia have a long history of initiating scientific collaborations with other countries, dating back to the early days of the Soviet Union. One notable example is the establishment of the International Geophysical Year (IGY) in 1957-1958, which brought together scientists from around the world to conduct research in fields such as geophysics, meteorology, and oceanography.

Throughout the Cold War, the Soviet Union established a number of scientific collaborations with other countries, despite political tensions. These collaborations included joint space missions with the United States, such as the Apollo-Soyuz Test Project in 1975, as well as joint research projects with Western European countries in fields such as physics and materials science.

Following the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russia continued to collaborate with other countries on scientific projects, including the International Space Station (ISS), which is a joint project between Russia, the United States, Europe, Japan, and Canada. In recent years, Russia has also established collaborations with countries such as China and India in fields such as nuclear energy and space exploration.


What are the risks associated with producing such a large magnetic field as will result from the central solenoid of the ITER?

The primary risk associated with the large magnetic field generated by the central solenoid of the ITER is the potential for the magnet to quench. A quench occurs when the superconducting coils lose their superconducting properties due to a temperature or magnetic field excursion. This can cause a rapid release of energy and a large temperature increase, which can damage the equipment and surrounding structures. To mitigate this risk, the ITER central solenoid is designed with multiple safety features, such as quench detection and protection systems that rapidly remove the stored energy in the magnet in the event of a quench. Additionally, extensive testing and analysis is conducted to ensure the safety and reliability of the magnet prior to its operation.


What are the other risks, such as to human health?

The ITER project is designed with safety as a top priority, and extensive measures have been put in place to protect the environment and human health. Some of the potential risks associated with the project include:

Radiation: The fusion reactions that occur within the tokamak produce high-energy neutrons, which can cause damage to materials and pose a radiation hazard to personnel. However, the ITER design includes a number of shielding systems to protect workers and the environment from the effects of radiation.

Electrical hazards: The high magnetic fields generated by the tokamak can create electrical hazards, and there is a risk of electrical arcing and fire. To mitigate these risks, extensive safety systems have been implemented, including a sophisticated system of sensors and controls to monitor the behavior of the plasma and the tokamak components.

Cryogenic hazards: The superconducting magnets used in the tokamak require extremely low temperatures to operate, which can create hazards associated with the handling and storage of cryogenic fluids. However, the cryogenic systems used in the ITER project have been designed with safety in mind, and extensive testing and analysis have been conducted to ensure the safe operation of the system.

Accidents: The operation of the ITER project involves a number of potentially hazardous activities, such as the handling of large components, the use of heavy machinery, and the manipulation of high-voltage electrical systems. To minimize the risk of accidents, strict safety procedures and protocols have been put in place, and all personnel involved in the project are required to undergo extensive training and certification.

Overall, the risks associated with the ITER project are carefully managed through a combination of engineering design, safety systems, and operational procedures.


What are the effects on humans of such large magnetic fields?

The effects of large magnetic fields on humans depend on the strength and duration of the exposure. Exposure to extremely high magnetic fields, such as those found in medical magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines, can cause a variety of symptoms, including vertigo, nausea, and metallic taste in the mouth. However, these effects are generally mild and short-lived, and there is no evidence of long-term harm from exposure to such fields.

In the case of the ITER's central solenoid, the magnetic fields produced will be much stronger than those used in medical MRI machines, but humans will not be in direct contact with the fields. Therefore, the main risks associated with the magnetic fields of the ITER are related to the potential failure of the containment systems or other equipment, which could expose humans to the magnetic fields. To mitigate these risks, strict safety protocols will be in place, and workers will be trained to avoid exposure to the magnetic fields.


How far might the magnetic fields travel if containment failed?

The distance that magnetic fields can travel if containment fails would depend on various factors, such as the strength and duration of the magnetic field, the environment in which it is released, and the material properties of the surrounding objects. In the case of the ITER, the magnetic field produced by the central solenoid is extremely strong, but it is also highly localized and contained within the vacuum vessel. In the unlikely event of a containment failure, the magnetic field would likely dissipate rapidly within a short distance and would not pose a significant danger to humans or the environment outside the ITER facility. However, safety measures and protocols are in place to prevent such incidents from occurring.


How far can the largest man-made magnetic field travel?

The range of a magnetic field depends on several factors, including the strength of the field, the size and shape of the source, and the surrounding environment. There is no definitive answer to how far the largest man-made magnetic field can travel, as it depends on the specifics of the field and its source.

In general, the strength of a magnetic field decreases rapidly as the distance from the source increases. For example, a strong magnet held close to a metal object can exert a significant force, but the force diminishes rapidly as the distance between the magnet and the object increases.

For larger magnetic fields, such as those produced by large scientific instruments like tokamaks, the range of the magnetic field can be significant. However, these fields are typically well-contained within the instruments themselves and do not extend far into the surrounding environment. In the case of an accident or malfunction, the range of the magnetic field would depend on the specific circumstances and would need to be assessed on a case-by-case basis.


Is there a mathematical law that describes the distance a magnetic field reaches for a given power?

There is no specific mathematical law that describes the distance a magnetic field reaches for a given power, as the distance that a magnetic field can travel depends on various factors such as the strength of the magnetic field, the size and shape of the magnet, and the environment in which the magnetic field is present. However, the strength of a magnetic field decreases with distance according to the inverse square law, which states that the strength of the field decreases by the square of the distance from the source. This law applies to any magnetic field, whether it is man-made or natural.


Based on the inverse square law and the proposed power of the magnetic field at ITER, how far might the magnetic field travel?

It's difficult to estimate the distance a magnetic field of a certain power will travel based solely on the inverse square law since there are many factors that can affect the behavior of magnetic fields. However, I can provide some general information.

The strength of a magnetic field decreases rapidly with distance from its source, following the inverse square law. Specifically, the strength of the magnetic field decreases proportionally to the square of the distance from the source. This means that if the distance from the source is doubled, the magnetic field strength will be reduced to one-fourth its original strength.

The magnetic field strength at ITER is expected to be around 5.3 tesla, which is very strong. However, the magnetic field is contained within the vacuum vessel of the tokamak, which is designed to be highly effective at containing the magnetic field. In addition, the magnetic field is constantly monitored and controlled to ensure that it remains within safe limits.

In the unlikely event that the magnetic field were to escape from the tokamak, it would quickly dissipate due to the inverse square law. The exact distance that the magnetic field would travel before reaching safe levels would depend on many factors, such as the strength of the field at the point of escape and the surrounding environment. However, it's unlikely that the magnetic field would pose a significant risk to human health at any considerable distance from the source.


Hypothetically, if containment failed at full power, how far might the effects travel?

It's difficult to give a precise answer to this question as it would depend on a variety of factors, such as the exact strength of the magnetic field at the time of failure, the duration of the failure, and the environment surrounding the facility. However, it's worth noting that the ITER site is located in a remote area, with the nearest population center being over 10 kilometers away. Additionally, the facility has been designed with multiple layers of safety systems to prevent or mitigate any potential risks to the environment or human health in the event of an accident.


What effects might be experienced 10 kilometers away if containment failed at full power and with a lack of safety measures?

It's difficult to give a definitive answer without more information on the specific scenario and the size and strength of the magnetic field in question. However, it's worth noting that magnetic fields generally decrease rapidly with distance according to the inverse square law, which states that the strength of the field decreases by the square of the distance from the source.

Assuming a worst-case scenario with a very strong magnetic field and no safety measures, it's possible that effects could be felt at a distance of 10 kilometers or more. These effects could potentially include interference with electronic devices and equipment, changes in the behavior of magnetic materials, and possibly even health effects on living organisms. However, it's important to emphasize that this is a highly unlikely scenario, as the ITER project has multiple layers of safety systems and protocols in place to prevent such an event from occurring.


In this worst case scenario, what is the furthest these effects might travel?

It is difficult to predict the exact distance that the effects of a failed containment at full power might travel, as it would depend on various factors such as the size and strength of the magnetic field, the nature of the materials in the surrounding environment, and the presence or absence of safety measures. However, it is reasonable to assume that the effects would diminish with distance from the source according to the inverse square law, which states that the intensity of a phenomenon decreases by the square of the distance from the source. Therefore, the effects would become increasingly weaker as the distance from the source increases. In a worst-case scenario, it is possible that the effects might be felt several kilometers away from the source.


What health effects on living organisms are known to result from such large magnetic fields?

The health effects of large magnetic fields on living organisms are still not fully understood and are a topic of ongoing research. However, studies have suggested that exposure to very strong magnetic fields can have biological effects on cells and tissues, including changes in membrane structure and function, alterations in enzyme activity, changes in cell growth and proliferation, and induction of oxidative stress.

There have also been reports of health effects associated with occupational exposure to magnetic fields, such as increased risk of certain types of cancer, including leukemia and brain cancer, although the evidence is not yet conclusive.

It is important to note that the magnetic field produced by the ITER project is designed to be contained and controlled within the tokamak, and the project includes extensive safety measures to ensure that any potential risks are minimized.


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