Poetic licence revoked (poem)

Your poetic license was once a prized possession,
A key to unlock your creative expression.
With it, you roamed the world of verse,
Free to write and to rehearse.

But something happened, oh so cruel,
And now your license is revoked as a rule.
No more can you bend words to your will,
No more can you let your creativity spill.

Perhaps you crossed a line, went too far,
Or maybe you simply lost your poetic star.
Either way, the consequence is clear,
Your license is gone, your voice you cannot steer.

But fear not, dear poet, all is not lost,
For talent cannot be counted as a cost.
You can still write, still create,
Without a license to regulate.

So take heart and pen in hand,
And write, write as only you can.
For poetry is not about a license or rule,
It's about the words that make your heart full.


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