Moon Halo Mythology

Does the moon appearing to have a halo or ring round it feature in mythology? ChatGPT said: ChatGP Yes, the phenomenon of a halo or ring around the Moon has fascinated cultures around the world and appears in many mythologies. Known scientifically as a "lunar halo," this effect is caused by the refraction of moonlight through ice crystals in the upper atmosphere, usually forming a ring 22 degrees around the Moon. The appearance of a halo has often been associated with omens, weather predictions, or supernatural forces. Here’s how it appears in a few different traditions: 1. European Folklore In many European traditions, a ring around the Moon is seen as a weather omen. It was believed that a halo indicated an impending storm or bad weather, likely due to the connection between atmospheric ice crystals and approaching weather fronts. A common saying in English folklore is, "A ring around the Moon means rain or snow soon." In Norse mythology, a lunar h...